Analysis and evaluations - Keep an eye on indicators

"Do not trust any statistic that you do not ..." - Unfortunately some organization are not comfortable with measures against metrics in a way that enables the organization to learn and improve over time. Phrases likes these are no longer needed when using Q-MATRIX.

Q-MATRIX provides various analysis and evaluation tools to help managers develop meaningful metrics and KPI for people development, management and quality. Thanks to its intuitive data manage-ment and simple clear structured views the organizations metrics will be transparent to everyone.





The Qualification Matrix is where the organization’s skills, experience or knowledge to effectively perform in a position is maintained.

The qualification matrix, when measured against an individual’s capabilities, will help determine the needs for future organizational development (education, training, certification). And how well an individual’s capabilities meet their current assignment, what other position(s) might they be ready to assume or what position could they be developed into.

Based on the permissions, an individual's data and position information is available for the management layer, department or division. This allows easy assessment of the current qualification level for the organization.

It is very easy to filter the view by:

  • Division
  • Department
  • Qualification level
  • Shift / Team
  • Position




Qualification overview

How to determine to what extent the qualification status of the organization has changed?

The answer lies in the qualification overview. With the several filter and grouping options Q-MATRIX provides the ability to get a quick and current overview for a division / department and drill down to an individual or position specific individual tasks to analyze changes over time and observe the effect in the qualification view.

Good to know: The individually filtered qualification overview can be printed at any time.




Individual - Tasks

In the evaluation table "Individual / Activities" can retrieve the current qualification level for each individual.

This extensive tabular view shows all activities and tasks for the organization. The colored background number is the current qualification level / degree that the individual can satisfy a specific activity / task.


This analysis provides a basis to identify training needs and the potential to develop individuals to future positions.




Target / Actual Comparison

This view within Q-MATRIX shows the status of training needs for each individual activity / task.

For each activity / task the shown bars in red or green represent the organization’s training needs. Based on the maximum deviation principle for the defined qualification needs each bar shows potential actions. A red bar lets identifies that training is required, while a green bar represents an over qualification for an activity / task.


With a double click on an activity / task all related individuals are provided in a new view. In the case where an individual has a red background, the current qualification is lower than required. The exact value is shown in the field "deviation".




Target / Performance Assessments

This feature provides the capabilities to define target requirements for each position and related position owner.

Q-MATRIX provides a view that easily identifies which individuals require training (red). This capabilities enables easy identification of Deviations / Variations. The numbers for actuals and targets are the sum of all position activities / tasks.


Ideally current numbers should be higher than targets. Q-MATRIX provides the data to easily understand potential required actions. This will be shown with a "green" background. If a position activity / task is lower than required the numbers are shown with a "red" background.




Certification & Training Hours

Analyse certification and training hours of individuals with Q-MATRIX

Q-MATRIX provides the ability to easily evaluate the status of individual certification records and the status of required training hours. By using predefined views, an overview of existing and missing certifications / records as well as desired and remaining training hours can be evaluated by department / team / individual.


Q-MATRIX provides an annual view of all individuals’ defined and accomplished training hours. This enables evaluation of the impact of performed training impact. Additional analysis can be performed like target / actual or percentage.


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