Business Management with Q-MATRIX

As a leader in the organization there is a major responsibility to: the overall Quality Management of how the organization will operate, the individuals in the organization, provide the goods and/or services to the meet the demand, ensure appropriate working conditions. Q-MATRIX is here to help deliver on these responsibilities.

Save time, reduce stress and keep everything under control

Managing an organization day-to-day while keeping in mind the big picture and sustainability of the organization and planning for the workforce needed to meet those needs can be stressful. Q-MATRIX provides the overall organization quality management solution to help leaders stay in control and reduce the stress.

Q-MATRIX provides a solution for human resource/staff development from the view from the top of the organization down to the individual. Having a view to the quality of the staff and identify development potential in the organization at a glance, tracking performance expectations and individual development plans while tracking all required documentation helps to reduce the stress to operating an organization.


Q-MATRIX provides the right metrics for efficient management and personnel development

Restructuring parts or an organization can be challenging and stressful; having the information easily available to support the many decisions and trade-offs can be challenging and stressful. Q-MATRIX provides the tools for skills management and application management to make the work easier. Identifying where gaps may exist between workforce skills and competencies and the needs of the organization can lead to a more efficient staffing process.

The solution addresses a large part of the administrative and promotional activities stress in finding suitable candidates for a position, allowing leaders to focus on the analysis and decisions to build the organization. Demographic indicators may be a concern and Q-MATRIX provides tools to help leaders recognize that action is needed and develop plans to address any risks.


Qualification Management ensures long-term success

Having the best trained and satisfied staff helps ensure the long-term success of any organization and Q-MATRIX provides tools for leaders to help the organization on the path to long-term success. The ability to view the individual’s skills and competencies related to their current or planned positions (Qualification Management) helps identify opportunities for individual development. This could be technical, interpersonal, certifications, etc.

Q-MATRIX has what it takes to be the most important management tool for any organization.

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