Qualification Management - Complement skills successfully

The objective of Qualification Management is to ensure that individuals with the appropriate competencies (skill, experience or knowledge) are assigned to the proper position. The ability to balance the competencies and skills of the organization to the positions need to have an efficient operation is a challenge faced by many companies today, which has been confirmed by current economic studies. Often positions are not staffed properly with the appropriately skilled and qualified individuals.

For many companies the ability to answer these questions are critical to address the challenge of having the correctly skilled and qualified person in the best position:

  • Do the individuals within the organization execute their position’s requirements effectively?
  • What gaps exist between the skills and the qualification required to be successful within the organization by division / department?
  • What plans need to be developed to close the gap?

Q-MATRIX provides an integrated and intuitive set of capabilities to assist any organization with developing the workforce to help the organization succeed.

Competence and skills are measurable with Q-MATRIX

Q-MATRIX provides the capabilities for the organization to measure the overall and individual’s competencies and qualifications, and perform analysis to identify gaps and improvement opportunities. In the skills matrix, the current performance of individuals can be viewed, which can be used to prepare for individual discussions (performance, development, objective setting) and all of which can be documented in Q-MATRIX. Measurable objectives and priorities are coupled with development plans to provide an overall view of the individual. The measurement of how well an individual meets the requirements of the position is done in a sophisticated approach that provides a transparent and comprehensive view of the organizations.

Documentation of effectiveness checks according ISO 9001 & 16949

According to DIN EN ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 efficacy checks on training and instruction are required and can be done with Q-MATRIX.

Here are some links on how Q-MATRIX works in action:




The Qualification Matrix is where the organization’s skills, experience or knowledge to effectively perform in a position is maintained.

The qualification matrix, when measured against an individual’s capabilities, will help determine the needs for future organizational development (education, training, certification). And how well an individual’s capabilities meet their current assignment, what other position(s) might they be ready to assume or what position could they be developed into.

Based on the permissions, an individual's data and position information is available for the management layer, department or division. This allows easy assessment of the current qualification level for the organization.

It is very easy to filter the view by:

  • Division
  • Department
  • Qualification level
  • Shift / Team
  • Position




Organization Management with Q-MATRIX

The Organization Management module of Q-MATRIX enables a manager to view the individuals assigned to their division / department / shift.

The extensive filtering and sorting capabilities of Q-MATRIX make it easy to access and review individual information.

Easy to maintain qualification data

Managing an individual’s competency and skill data are contained in the "individual details" form.

In the upper section is the Ribbon. About the Ribbon, is all the relevant functions of Q-MATRIX. The ribbon consists of a general, a workplace and a evaluation-related menu. The third area is the main workspace within the employee details.

In addition to general information, position related actions can be performed, including information of:

  • Assigned Positions
  • Training
  • Discussion
  • Objectives
  • Documents related to assignments
  • Certificates
  • Qualification level analysis




Training Tracking

Training is a key tool to help individuals meet the qualifications of their current and future positions.

The Training Tracking module provides the visibility to help manage training requirements and track the status of training plans.


By leveraging an organization-wide training catalog of offerings, Q-MATRIX provides the ability to distinguish between Human Resource predefined training offerings and manager / individual agreed upon training plans. The details for an individual’s training and any related Certificates are tracked, along with targeted certificates, plus the ability to track requirements like minimal hours for each training.

Qualification Management and Training Tracking work together

Qualification Management and Training Tracking work together to help ensure the staff is being developed appropriately to ensure the skills and competencies exist to make the organization successful. As with all modules in Q-MATRIX the ability to filter and sort information is available and easy to use, including the Training Tracking module. The status of training can easily be viewed to see whether a training assignment has been completed, expired, archived or is still open.

Calendar formats provide additional transparency and overviews

The training module provides the ability to view training plans in a calendar format, to easily see plans for the current and future months at different levels of the organization.

Training details and records

For individual training just specify in the training type, organizer and all related dates. The HR training catalog allows the selection of predefined trainins offerings from HR and makes helps to easily address recurring needs. Capturing specific documentation or cerification records as well as defining target hours, can be managed also. All this information is available to be analyzed.





Q-MATRIX supports the preparation for discussions about objective setting and performance feedback.

Discussions - Effectively support Quality Management

Regular discussions between manages and individuals / team members provides a foundation for establishing objectives and expectations and providing performance feedback to enable the effective execution of the organization’s mission. The ability to easily prepare for these discussions and track the results are capabilities Q-MATRIX provides in the Q-BASE module.

Structured overview of planned and conducted discussions

Q-MATRIX supports supervisors / managers prepare for discussions with their individuals on performance expectations, performance review, development plans and provides the ability to track agreements on: objectives, actions, performance feedback, training or changes to skills and competencies. Storing this information in Q-MATRIX effectively supports the organization’s Quality Management documentation requirements.

Q-MATRIX helps ensure these discussions take place in a timely manner by displaying reminders during log-on.

While Q-MATRIX provides extensive online capabilities: manager / individual discussions are not the appropriate use of technology, so Q-MATRIX can print relevant documents to prepare for the discussion(s). After the discussions the resulting documents can be scanned and stored in Q-MATRIX for tracking.

Manage discussions in detail and track them

With a simple mouse click or the context menu can be used to update to the discussion details: capture the objectives that were agreed to, scheduled training or update data in the qualification matrix.

Document discussions for personnel files

Print the discussion supporting documents upfront. Once the discussion occured, print out the discussion log for the personnel file. Of course, the digital storage of the protocols is possible - simply save the document as a PDF file and upload it in the employee data.

Q-MATRIX effectively supports managers with some key Human Resource responsibilities to:

  • Manage and plan individual discussions / reviews
  • Define and document objectives/priorities
  • Identify and document individual strength and development areas
  • Track agreed to training plans
  • Create and print in advance information to support individual discussions
  • Print documents for paper-based personnel file and individual’s record
  • Identify and document strength and areas of development




Certifications & documents overview

Certificates and Documents are defined and managed within the training or individual details.

A documented certification has the distinction that legal or regulatory retention periods must be fulfilled. Q-MATRIX supports this requirement by providing the capabilities to maintain evidence lists, an overview and management of the process. All of this enables the organization to fulfill the obligation to produce supporting documentation.


Some examples of how this module can support the organization: If a document is marked that evidence is required and the proof is still pending, the document is shown as "open" and with a "red" background.

Are all important documents available?

Individual’s documents can also be managed such as: health certificates, driver's licenses or contracts, Training certificates are listed along with assignments, missions and expertise documents. These do not require evidence, but can be stored in Q-MATRIX.




Task catalog

The Q-MATRIX task catalog can also be referred to as a competence or qualifications catalog.

This catalog is the result of assigning tasks/activities to positions. The context menu contains the option to activate or deactivate specific tasks/activities for a position.


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