Q-MATRIX - Support

Q-MATRIX is a software solution for workforce development and therefore subject to constant change. Recent developments in HR, QM adjustments or changed corporate structures and orientations require a flexible solution.

Our developers always aim to keep Q-MATRIX on the latest technical and professional status. In addition, you should as users can work comfortably and intuitively with your data is always to ensure overview and transparency.

We offer beyond the software many additional ways to get to know Q-MATRIX. Several tutorials, video trainings, seminars and workshops are available. If you are missing information, encounter difficulties in the application or you need technical support, our team of experts is there for you - by phone, by email or via remote access.

How may we help you?



Data Security

Q-MATRIX is a Microsoft Windows Application that can be easily integrated into any organization’s network.

For the central data management currently Microsoft SQL Server is used, which ensures data high availability and the latest security technologies.

In addition, Q-MATRIX provides user & role access management to protect confidential and sensitive data. Each Q-MATRIX user is assigned a specific user role (administrator, HR, division or department related user roles) that grants limited access rights.

Within the Microsoft Windows environment the ability to integrate windows authentication is possible, which enables a single sign-on.




System requirements



  • ≥ Windows Server 2003 R2
  • ≥ 4GB RAM
  • ≥ 4GB HDD
  • CPU
    • ≥ 2,0 GHz
    • ≥ 4 CPU Cores


  • ≥ Windows 7 (64Bit)
  • Browser

Software Components

  • ≥ MS SQL Server 2008 (incl. Express)
  • ≥ PHP 5.2
  • ≥ MySQL 5.0
  • ≥ .NET 4.0

Hosting Options

Please ask us for any hosting options you may need.





The qualification management suite of Q-MATRIX is an intuitive solution for people ,development by the team at Q-Ware GmbH. Workshops are available to help with many topics from introduction to Q-MATRIX though knowledge sharing of experiences from other organizations, which might be transferable. Q-MATRIX support includes experienced trainers and consultants with organizational development experience to help ensure every organization gets the most benefits.


Seminars cover the basis; learn how to maintain master and basic data, organize user administration, prepare appraisals, and create training content, track training assignments with the easy to use Q-MATRIX. And learn how to leverage the Q-MATRIX intuitive tools for evaluation of the organization, which can be adapted to meet the needs. Seminars also include discussions on the latest features of Q-MATRIX and how to best take advantage of them. The coaches will explain how to improve the usage of the solution (for example how to leverage core competencies and soft skills). Additionally for organizations that have the need to better understand the demographics of their organization and what it might mean for the future, the coaches explain how to leverage Q-MATIX to learn about the organization and provide experience and knowledge of thought-leaders in the organizational development discipline.


The practice seminars provide the hands-on experience to master the solution with the benefit of interaction with software developers and trainers that share numerous tips and tricks based on experiences from other customers and product enhancement plans.


The seminar content is primarily based on the needs of the indivual organization (designed in advance). Here is a list of specific modules content that exists which can be tailored for specific requirements.

  • Qualification Matrix
  • Extensive Training Controlling
  • Identify Training Needs
  • Deploy QM and Audit Information
  • Simple and Intuitive Management
  • Role Base Security Model
  • Target / Performance Analysis
  • Integrate your own business terms
  • Manage recards and planned hours
  • Evaluate core competencies and soft skills
  • Sustainable Application Management

Contact the Q-MATRIX team to discuss how a seminar can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization.


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Please use for your requests and any queries our contact form.

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We are looking forward to meet you.

Your Q-MATRIX Team

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