Staff Development with Q-MATRIX

Q-MATRIX is a powerful tool for any organization to help ensure that the people with the right skillset and experience in the correct position, while also building an organization that will sustain the organization's future.

Training plans, position profiles and position descriptions

Maintaining the organization's base operational information like position descriptions and profiles is easy within Q-MATRIX as well as developing the individual training plans for each member of the organization. Information access controls are critical to ensure privacy requirements are met and Q-MATRIX ensures they are met. Knowing how individuals are progressing on developing skills and competencies is fundamental for any successful organization and Q-MATRIX provides the ability to easily keep track of progress with a view from the top of the organization down to the individual.

Applicant management through intelligent skills analysis tools

Every organization has the need to fill a position or to restructure (team, department, division) which can be a tedious task with an extensive documentation effort. With the application management of Q-MATRIX having a clear structure of all Applicants for an advertised or vacant position in the organization is easily managed. Intelligent competency analysis tools can help quickly find a first selection of potential candidates (e.g. the right person for the position or the right position for the person).


With Q-MATRIX the process is made easier 

Identify development potentials through effective skill management

By managing workforce information in Q-MATRIX, the ability to quickly know how individuals are ranked and identify potential people for any position in the organization is very easy to do. The position-specific skills are complemented by the individual’s skills, which are stored in skill management module of Q-MATRIX. Q-MATRIX provides analysis at a glance that can identify any gaps between the current situation and planned needs, explore development potential and provide support for staffing decisions.


Meeting the demographic changes for the long term

The demographic changes in society and in the situation of the economy can be evaluated within Q-MATRIX. Long term organization development can be enhanced using Q-MATRIX; e.g. knowing the age profile of the organization or a specific department can identify the need for developing plans to minimize any impact. Perhaps it is useful to individuals to qualify specifically for the respective positions. With the demographics tools of Q-MATRIX supporting the organizations long term personnel development becomes easier.

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